Whether we preach, serve, teach, donate, and offer encouragement, our ultimate purpose is to reflect God’s love and character, ensuring that He receives the honor in all things.
We are committed to proclaim the indispensable word of God. Not only to the world of unbelievers but continually to the Church, which is His body. That we may become equipped to serve and to do the work of the ministry in all godliness…
In a time where everything is grey, the church has become man-centered, money-oriented, worldly attractive, shunning godliness and obedience… We need to urgently call the church to Reform and return to the Holy Scriptures, sound doctrine and love…
The Lord our God, the only living and true God; Jesus Christ, the Son of God – the second person of the Trinity…
The Holy scriptures as the only sufficient and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, practice, faith and obedience. We also affirm…