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 In our previous article Discipleship and Debate Part 2 (read here), We saw that the iron that is sharp and the runner that is fast, the eye that can see without obstruction, is the iron, the runner, the eye that is consistently and continually being rid of sin. It is aiding one another in the pursuit of holiness. It is becoming more and more like Christ, by the power of the Spirit through the application of the Word of God. Now let’s see the right and the wrong way to debate in the light of Scriptures.

Debate – the right way and the wrong way

In the arena of debate then, we ask what role iron sharpening plays? Often, in a true debate, the sides are opposed to one another. One side affirms a positive, the other a negative. But in the task of iron sharpening iron, we are on the same side! It is not a confrontation with an opponent but an exercise in striving to understand, apply, and obey (to hear and to do) the Word of God.

But in many debates, the sides that disagree on points of doctrine or practice often fail to view one another as friends, as co-citizens of the kingdom of God. They really do view each other as opponents.

Debate that Destroys

When the view is skewed, and heat and friction seem to be the tool of choice, when one is trying for all he is worth to change another’s mind, then we see that debate does not edify, it does not build up, it does not lead to growth. No. Instead it often leads to ruin. This kind of debate destroys. It tears down people and their ideas. It belittles, derides, and holds in contempt. It is surely not loving or compassionate, but proud, puffed up in a sense of superior knowledge and a more progressive state of sanctification. It builds up the individual putting forth the argument instead of building up the Body.

Often too we find that people in this category of debaters usually have very narrow views on many things. If you disagree with them on any one single point, no matter how minor, then they are ready to disown you, amputate you from the Body, and cast you aside to the condemnation they are sure that you deserve and have coming. And they do so all the while believing that God has used them to proclaim to you the very truth by which you will be judged!! What love is this??

Debate that we are commanded to avoid

In truth, the simple Scriptural fact of the matter is that as believers, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are given some very pointed, specific, and clear commandments in regard to this kind of debate. The Bible says:

1 Timothy 6

3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which accords with godliness, 4 he is proud, knowing nothing, but is obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions, 5 useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. From such withdraw yourself. 6 Now godliness with contentment is great gain.

If the doctrine being taught, insisted upon, or pushed is not a doctrine that leads immediately to godly living, then that is a presentation of unwholesome words! And that person is then labeled by the Word of God as, “proud, knowing nothing, obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions, useless wranglings.” What is produced by Biblical discipleship? The fruit of the Spirit. What results from improper debate? The works of the flesh! (see Galatians 5:16-26). And the command here is that we are expected, yes ordered to withdraw from such a one! We break fellowship.

2 Timothy 2

14 Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers. 15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. 17 And their message will spread like cancer. 23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.

And here we are charged before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit. Not to argue about those things which RUIN the hearers. We must be careful not to put forth doctrine in the form of argumentation that will ultimately lead to the destruction of those who hear us. Rightly handling the Word of God means that we shun profane and idle babblings, arguments that lead not to godliness but to ungodliness. These ideas, these false doctrines, these false teachers are infecting the Body like CANCER. So, we are to avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, those discussions that promote strife instead of harmony.

Closing: Responsibilities to the Weaker Brother

We must be reminded that the liberty, the freedom we have in Christ is never to be used in any relationship to further indulge our own flesh or draw others, especially weaker Christians, into disputes. The whole point of Romans 14:1 is that we must not engage in disputes over doubtful things with weaker Christians.

Yes, we must teach truth and help others grow in grace. But we must do so with pastoral concern and care for souls. Arriving at the truth is important, but the process to get there is even MORE important. To arrive at truth through violence means one might believe rightly, but they will carry scars and be hard pressed to lead others lovingly into that same truth. To arrive at truth through loving discipleship and shepherding will mean that we appreciate both the truth and the journey. We will have enjoyed the Pilgrim’s Progress.

For those who debate, who fight to win, who are making the narrow way more narrow than it is – for those who are so theologically ingrown that they cannot even see where the plank is protruding from their own eye – for them I have two words. Stay away. And take heed – when you think you have it all figured out, when you think you are standing – it is then that you will fall.

My desire is to promote growth, edification of the Body for the work of the ministry (literally, “the work of service”), by means of Biblical discipleship. I am beginning to believe that this goal is rarely to be achieved by participation in debates or involvement with internet forums. Too many keyboard theologians, with no accountability, no wisdom, no humility, no pastoral heart, no care and concern for the weaker brothers, no love for their “opponents”, no discernment, no understanding, and no obedience (“be slow to speak, quick to hear”), are ruining the faith of others. They are spreading like cancer. They may even seem to be right in some areas, but their attitude, their language, their words, their demeanor, their tone, even the way they think things through all points to one huge unmistakable red flag. They have no real ministry, no real love, no real heart for God, and no fellowship in the Body. It is all about the promotion of self. Of course, they would deny this, but at the heart of the matter, this is the truth. To them the gospel is a means of gain, be it in reputation, prestige, the appearance of intellect, etc. For them, it is all about self-promotion.

The bottom line is that as we are sanctified, as we walk in the light, we have this guarantee – we will have fellowship with one another. (1 John 1:7). And any doctrine, any agenda, any system of theology, any point of debate that leads to a break in fellowship between fellow believers must be carefully examined in the light of Scripture. We should be Christians first and foremost, laying all other titles, categories, and denominators down at the foot of the Cross. Yes, there are times to withdraw, but if we are forcing schism at every turn then we have fallen into a category that is truly frightening. For of all the things that God tells us in His Word that He hates, near the very top of the list is one who would cause division among brothers (Proverbs 6:19).

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