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What about the reformation? (Part 2)

Popes or councils, they have often contradicted each other). My conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right …

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What about the Reformation?

As Hus was dying, being burned alive at the stake, he proclaimed: \”My Lord Jesus Christ was bound with a harder chain than this for my sake, why then should I be ashamed of this…

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What is Salvation about? (Part 1)

The bible teaches us that God\’s attributes are in perfect harmony within the Godhead. That means the holiness of God, his goodness, his love, his justice and his will demands that he judges …

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How to recognize a biblical Church?

In regard to the truth, the local church is a place where the Bible (God’s only Truth) has complete authority. The Bible is the only infallible rule of faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:15-17)…

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