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The sovereign grace of God

The grace of God is the source and the way of salvation. By which sinners receive the gift of God in Christ, by which sinners are justified, by which saints will finally inherit complete…

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Our hope and duty! Do not fear!

Jesus, as the Suffering Servant, lifted the burden of sin off of us and shouldered it Himself on the cross. The hope we have in light of sickness and sin is that Jesus dealt with…

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The shunned servant

There is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He…

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Jesus died for sinners

what a magnificent thing that the God of all creation stooped to the level and decided to love and choose people like us to be part of his family and his kingdom.

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God chooses and loves us

God is His good pleasure chooses us adn bestowed His love upon us through His Son Jesus Christ. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. O the wonders of Grace!

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Church discipline(part 2)

If we are indifferent to our brothers’ and sisters’ sins, that’s because we do not care about their spiritual well being and do not know the value of a soul for whom Christ died. This…

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Church discipline(part 1)

Church leaders will not preach about sin let alone confront it. They apparently embrace sin in the name of love and tolerance, they allow gross practices of immorality to infiltrate the church and corrupt the…

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