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Providence Reformed Baptist Church – Sunday, November 1, 2020
Sermon Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom – Matthew
Message 13. Follow Me – Matthew 4:18-22 – Pastor Phillip M Way
Introduction: In Matthew’s account of the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, we are given the location –
Galilee; the message – repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand; and the methodology – calling
I. Four Fishermen – vs. 18-22
A. The Earlier Call – John 1:35-51
B. The Special Call

  1. “He had called them by grace, now He calls them to work!” – CHS
  2. Jesus’ call of others is related in Matthew 9-10, but these 4 started earlier in Galilee
    C. The Four Called
  3. Simon Peter – first in every list – Matt. 10:2-4; Mark 3:16-19; Luke 6:13-16; Acts 1:13
  4. Andrew – always brining people to Jesus – John 1:40-42; 6:8-9; 12:20-22
  5. James – first disciple to be martyred, killed by Herod – Acts 12:1-2
  6. John – the disciple whom Jesus loved – John 13:23; 19:26 – died naturally though in
    exile on Patmos
    II. Follow Me – vs. 19
    A. An Imperial Call with Royal Promise
  7. I will make you fishers of men
  8. Being an evangelist is very much like fishing – patience, persuasion, perseverance
    B. An Effectual Call
  9. They followed without hesitation
  10. They left their nets, boat, and even family
  11. “They came straightway at all cost, without question, to quit old haunts, to follow their
    Leader without stipulation or reserve.” – CHS
    C. A Call to Walk as He Walks
  12. Salvation – to follow Christ we must turn from sin and self and to the Savior in faith
  13. Obedience – a command, immediately they left and followed – “Without obedience
    there is no genuine Christianity.” – Boice – John 14:15
  14. Repentance – Jesus calls sinners! – Matt. 9:13; Luke 5:8 – we renounce sin to follow
  15. Holiness – to follow Jesus is to strive to be like Jesus – holy, without a sinful step, word,
    or thought – 1 Peter 1:15-16
  16. Submission – put on His yoke – Matt. 11:29-30 – yoked for work, do the work He has
    called you to do as His bondservant – 1 Cor. 6:20; 7:23
  17. Trust – if you do not trust you cannot follow, do not follow yourself – Luke 9:62
  18. Perseverance – repeated, daily – Luke 9:23; a lifetime commitment until the race is
    finished – Matt. 10:22; 24:13; Psa. 119:105, 112
    III. Finish or Fall Away – Matt. 8:18-22
    A. Consider the Cost
  19. Cheap Grace vs. Costly Grace
    a. Jesus had no place to lay His head – Judea rejected Him (John 5:18), Galilee cast
    Him out (John 6:66), Gadara begged Him to leave (Matt. 8:34), Samaria refused
    Him lodging (Luke 9:53), earth would not have Him (Matt. 27:23), and heaven
    forsook Him (Matt. 27:46) – Hendrickson
    b. Boice Quote – “In days of hardship…”
    c. Bonhoeffer quote – “Cheap grace…”
  20. Family Obligations – Matt. 10:35-36
    a. Let the dead bury their dead
    1) Dead were buried same day they died
    2) He wanted to wait until his father died, then follow
    3) You cannot put discipleship off – now/today – James 4:13-17; 2 Cor. 6:1-2
    b. “It was a grave fault to put the sepulcher before the Saviour.” – CHS
    B. Priorities and Dangers
  21. The radical demands of Christ’s kingdom mean following Jesus – this is not part time or
    crowded out by other commitments
  22. The unique authority of Jesus means that if He is God we owe Him immediate and total
  23. The priorities of true discipleship mean that we must be willing to obey even if Jesus
    asks us to sell all, forsake all – “Following Jesus is the most important thing in our lives,
    even more important than our lives.” – Boice
  24. GE Ladd Quote – “The most radical form….”
  25. The dangers of this hedonistic world – “If I can be kept from Christ by the normal and
    proper love that I should have for parents, spouse, children, and siblings, as Christ
    obviously teaches I can be, then how dangerous must the many other snares of this
    world be?” – Boice
  26. JC Ryle Quote – “It is not open sin…”
    C. What Will Keep You from Following Jesus? – those are your idols

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