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God is My Salvation – Message 11 – I Saw the Lord – Isa. 6:1-13


I. An Upward Vision of Deity – vs. 1-4
A. Saw the Lord? – John 1:181 Tim. 6:16
B. King and Judge – Rev. 4

II. An Inward Vision of Depravity – vs. 5-7
A. Isaiah sees His Own Uncleanness – Mal. 3:2aPsa. 24:3-4
B. Woe is Me
C. Purged – atonement, sacrifice for forgiveness of sins, cleansing – Heb. 1:3Psa. 79:9

III. An Outward Vision of Duty – vs. 8-10
A. Who Will Go for Us? – God in the plural, the mission announced
B. From Fear to Go! – forgiveness is at the heart of service – Psa. 51:13-15
C. The Command – do what will doom you – Deut. 29:2-4
D. Preaching Hardens Hard Hearts – Job 9:4Ezek. 3:7Matt. 13:10-17Zech. 7:11-12
E. Heart, Ears, Eyes, Eyes, Ears, Heart – Psa. 119:130
F. Predestination

IV. An Ongoing Vision of Dedication – vs. 11-13 (Perseverance)
A. How Long must I Preach? – John 12:39-40
B. Exile – Joel 3:6
C. A Holy Seed – an elect righteous remnant will come out of Judah – Rom. 11:5

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