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Sunday, August 19, 2018
God is My Salvation – Isaiah

  1. Unquenchable Flame – Isa. 1:27-31
    I. Redemption – vs. 27
    A. Delivery by means of a payment or ransom – Dan. 9:24; Isa. 53:11
    B. Justice – the execution of judgment – Matt. 12:18; John 5:30; 9:39
    C. Righteousness – righteous acts – Psa. 89:14; 143:2
  2. Not Man’s – Rom. 3:10; Isa. 64:6
  3. Christ’s
    a. Life: Active Obedience – Rom. 4:20-25; 5:1-2, 18-19
    b. Death: Atonement on the Cross – Rom. 3:21-26; Heb. 2:17; 1 John 4:10
    II. Wrath – vs. 28-31
    A. Destruction (vs. 28)
  4. Fracture, shatter – Lam. 2:11; 3:4; Prov. 16:18
  5. Consumed: Rebels and Offenders– Job 7:9; Psa. 37:20; John 8:44; Rev. 20:10
    B. Delight to Shame (vs. 29) – Deut. 16:21; 2 Kings 16:4 (Ahaz); Ezek. 6:13
    C. Death & Drought (vs. 30-32) – Psalm 1; 2 Kings 22:17; Jer. 7:20; Mark 9:43-48; Daniel
    12:2; Isa. 66:22-24; Jude 7
  6. Eternal Conscious Torment – Deut. 32:22; Matt. 10:38; 25:46; Rev. 14:9; 2 Thess.
    1:9 (Quote 1)
  7. Eternal Sin – Mark 3:28-29 (ESV/NASB) – (Quote 2)
  8. Jesus on Hell – Matt. 5:22, 29-30; 8:12; 10:28; 18:8-9; 22:13; Luke 16:19-31
  9. Hell is….(Ferguson)
  10. If We Deny Hell…(Challies)
    D. Deliverance from the Wrath to Come – 1 Thess. 1:9-10
    Quote 1 – The Bible speaks of hell in very specific words…agony, banishment, brimstone, curse, darkness,
    deprivation, destruction, distress, fire, teeth-grinding, guilt, hopelessness, loneliness, pain, suffering,
    pressure, prison, punishment, ruin, separation, shame, contempt, smokes, sulfur, torment, trouble, trash
    heap, weeping, all forever. – MacArthur
    Quote 2 – Crimes against the infinitely holy and exalted God are infinitely wicked and the punishment fits
    the crime. Infinite crimes against an infinite God deserve an infinite punishment. And here’s the key.
    Sinners who go to hell never repent. They never repent. They continue to rebel. Every description of hell
    indicates to us that it is…listen carefully…it is not a remedial experience. It is not remedial justice. It is
    retributive justice. They remain God-haters forever so that the punishment never catches up with the
    sin. In hell they continue to hate God. In hell they continue to curse God. In hell they continue to mock
    God and blaspheme God and hate Christ. So the punishment never catches up to the sin because the
    sinning never, ever, ever ceases. You understand that, that’s really important. People don’t go to hell and then never sin forever and just get punished forever. They go to hell and keep on sinning forever, so the punishment can never catch up with the wretchedness. That is why the Bible in Mark 3 describes this as eternal sin. – MacArthur
  11. Ferguson – Hell is…real, terrible, everlasting torment, and a witness that there is a Way of salvation.
    Challies – If we deny hell…we deny what Jesus taught, we deny the plain meaning of Scripture, we deny
    the testimony of the church, we deny the gospel (without hell, there is nothing from which to be saved).

Listen to the entire sermon at:

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