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Purpose Statement

Recognizing that the Bible is the very Word of the Living God unto man, and understanding the priority of knowing and obeying its truths, ChurchToday makes it a commitment to point the body of Christ back to biblical truths, that we may become equipped to serve and do the work of the ministry.

ChurchToday was Founded officially in August 2015, by our founder Billy Cenea. Brother Cenea has been calling the Church and her Leaders to return to the Holy Scriptures, biblical preaching, true fellowship… and Church discipline since the year 2011.

As believers and followers of our Great Lord and King Jesus Christ, we must be committed to proclaim the indispensable word of God not only to the world of unbelievers, but continually to the Church. With that in mind we do make use of the technological means of communications at hand nowadays, to expand our sphere and reach out many more for His glory.

In doing this, our role is not to interfere with or supplant the ministry of the local Church. But to support it by providing clear and biblical teachings to those who hunger, in a time where everything is grey, man-centered, money-oriented and worldly-attractive.

We acknowledge that Media ministries can lead to certain danger, and can never substitute the involvement in a local church, or interaction with a pastor and true congregational fellowship. But it can be an additional resource to Christian believers for learning and spiritual growth.

The desire of our hearts is that our Tri-Une Holy God be glorified in all of our evangelistic endeavor, and church support ministry. May we perform our work unto the honor and the praise of His name.

Soli Deo Gloria!