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Do you grieve on all the things happening in the world around you? Does it concern you that people are blind into sin and going to hell? Does it concern you that the name of…


Everybody would pick and choose the love of God but not His Justice. They want the grace of God but not His sovereignty. They will always pick and choose the compassion and longsuffering of the…

Make Your Calling and Election Sure

The doctrine Salvation is one of the most crucial matters in the Christian church today, for the present, future and eternal life of every believer depends on its authenticity. We see a great number of…

GIVE THANKS! (A meditation on Thanksgiving)

Our programs, activities, feasts, and celebrations do not matter to God as much as clean hands and pure motives. That includes our singing, our preaching, giving, praying, gathering, and even our daily living. None of…

My eyes have seen the Lord

The easy-going Christianity, which is the apology for religion with so many of us, has no deep sense of sin, because it has no clear vision of God.This is so evident and true in our…

Who is the God you preach ?

This here is one of the most profound answers to the question of Who God is… He is the sure sign given to the house of David…

The danger of spiritual apathy

“If it is not strong upon your heart to practice what you read, to what end do you read? To increase your own condemnation? If your light and knowledge be not turned into practice, the…