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Oh Lord God almighty, maker of Heaven and earth, sustainer and redeemer of your creation. How great is your name over all the earth? How magnificent is your name in the heavens above and on the earth beneath? 

Splendor, beauty and majesty are before your throne – where the burning ones cry : “ Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty…” with two wings they cover their eyes, with two wings they cover their feet and with two wings they fly.

Father, how glorious is your name? your greatness overwhelms heaven itself, and eternity is invaded by your glories…  : This is magnificence unknown, beauty inexpressible, glory indescribable, power incomparable.

It amazes us oh Lord that our beloved brother, savior and redeemer, the son of man: Jesus Christ of Nazareth a man like us is seated at your right hand as king for ever, the beloved son in whom you are well pleased – for in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead. This is more melodious to our ears than any song, and the greatest joy our hearts can ever taste.

Is he not the beauty of heaven, our pearl of great price, our living hope, our inheritance, our rock of ages, our redeemer of old: even before the creation of the world, our peace, our life now and our prize when we have arrived home?

Oh what beauty awaits us there… when we see him and fall on our face, weeping, and feeling weak like dead: and that his right hand may touch us to bring us back to life; oh what a thought? It would be suitable for me to say woe is me, woe is me, for i am undone, i am a man of unclean lips… now mine eyes have seen the Lord.

It is so much a sweet thought for me to know that you will comfort me and welcome me home as your child, redeemed, adopted, without reproach and blameless…  what? Blameless? Above reproach? Myself?

Oh savior divine, beautiful savior, merciful and gracious king: let me ask you to forgive all my sins and trespasses, I pray. Make me as clean as you want  a pardoned sinner to be, I implore you Lord, for the glory of your merciful name.

Father let your will be done in all the earth, let your holiness be known throughout all the earth. That men may know that you are God alone and there is none other. The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved, you uttered your voice and the earth melted…

Let your name be exalted among all the nations and in all the earth oh Lord – for you are God alone.

In Christ’s name, Amen.